Small Business Marketing 2020 REVIEWS

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21 Personal Development Goals for a Better You

One of the most capable decisions you can make for yourself is to strive towards a better self-

Personal development. Some of the things that we - want for ourselves include: enhancing the quality of our life, achieving more... becoming better people, and doing more good toward a better version of ourselves. That is why we must set achievable personal development goals for our- selves.

Listed below are 21 personal development goals you may like that will aid in your personal growth journey for a happier more confident and satisfying you.

  1. Embrace Empathy. Empathy is about objectively comprehending differing perspectives which in turn provides a wealth of insight into your perspective.

  2. Confidence. Studies have revealed that an individual’s IQ is not the most important component for success.

  3. Instead, the following

  4. three factors are considered to be much more important than intelligence in determining success:

  5. self-confidence,

  6. goal setting, and

  7. perseverance.

  8. An individual’s self-esteem,

  9. or your self-confidence,

  10. is basically what you think about yourself.

  11. this is One of the reasons for boosting your self-confidence, its that there is a strong association between confidence and success.

  12. Hence, one of your self-development goals is to boost your self-confidence.

  13. Listen Actively. Actively learn to pay attention and demonstrate to others that you truly value their opinions and what they have to say. Choose active listening, open-ended questions, with supporting body language, and remove any distractions that impede your ability to listen.

  14. Make it your opportunity to grow...

  15. work through your fear in a calm rational manner.

  16. To mage your fear, when first exposed to fear allow yourself to feel afraid and control yourself and stay calm. Once you are feeling comfortable with the uncertainly of the situation and out come, you can then start working your way through the fear in a rational and calm manner.

  1. Improve Your Body Language. Your body language is nothing but non-verbal communication which includes the gestures and movements you project. Research has proved that the correct body language can help you connect effectively with others and convey your message - more efficiently. It conveys your assertiveness, confidence, and perseverance. In fact, certain body postures can also help to improve your performance.

  1. Get Along With Others. You can always look for ways to create a rapport with others. However, you need to be honest and your primary objective should not be to manipulate others, rather you should learn the ways through which you can relate and get along well with others.

  1. Get along with yourself. Getting along with yourself is a precursor to getting along with the people around you. You can learn to appreciate and accept your skills, and those of others your

  2. experience, your view of things, what are your aspirations and its good to acknowledge our

  3. imitations . This is a healthy focus and can help

  4. build a well ground solid foundation for those who are inspirational and charismatic.

  5. Stop Procrastinating. You need to understand that procrastination is not a character trait, that you want but rather a bad habit that needs to be replaced with a good one Since it is a habit, it is 100% possible for you to unlearn it just as you have learnt the habit. Strive to utilize time in the most effective manner and avoid procrastination by all means.take action with a can do aptitude -

  6. Wake up Early. Develop the habit to get up early. The age old proverb which says: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise!” has been coined owing to the multiple benefits of an early riser. Some of these include: watching and enjoying the sun rise, do some early morning exercise for your fitness, being able to work on a project just because it’s important to you before the day officially gets started, and so on. In addition, studies show that early rises are happier, healthier, and more productive than their late rising counterparts.

  7. Become More Proactive

    . Get in the life long habit of being doers are people who get things done,

    • They consider themselves to be the creators of their lives.

    • They do not consider themselves to be victims of external conditions.

    • They do not allow others to determine their fate. yes what happens to you is more in your control than you may realize...

    • They take ownership of the responsibility for the results that they get.

  8. rather than Procrastinating... Some of the traits of proactive people are:

  9. Master the Art of Conflict Resolution.

  10. Conflict is a part and parcel of life.

  11. The key is to develop the skill of conflict resolution.

  12. If you possess the ability to resolve conflicts rationally and learn to quickly settle disputes amicably, it will certainly make for a more successful and happy life-

  1. Let go of the Past. One of the biggest hindrances to personal growth is holding on to the past. In order to be happy in the true sense of the term, it is very important to be in the present.

  2. So, you must learn to release the lost and anger of the past and clear bad thoughts' from your mind and heart, love your enemies, bless those cursing you, pray for those persecuting you, it works and move on forward... yes leave the bad

past behind you-
  1. Read More. Read Often. Nothing is more powerful than the treasure of knowledge and the best way to acquire this treasure is to read as much as you can. Research has proved that acquiring new knowledge satisfies an individual’s thirst for competence, which makes them eventually happier. You must develop the habit of reading books that will help you to acquire new skills as well as to polish your existing skills.

  2. Become More Resilient.

  3. Resilience is the innate ability to overcome any kind of adversity. It is the difference between feeling helpless and facing your problems confidently and bravely. You must always learn how to bounce back from any kind of problem;

  4. adversity
  5. it will only help you to emerge as a stronger person,

  6. Manage Stress Effectively. Too much stress can land you up in distress. It impacts not you’re your physical health but also your mental and emotional health.

  7. You must know how to effectively manage stress. There are a lot of stress management techniques

  8. available these days. So all you need to develop is the willingness to fight stress. Finding the means to tackle stress is not a challenge these days with help available at the click of a mouse.

  9. Ignore your limitations. Limiting beliefs hinders your progress by keeping you caught up in

  10. your comfort zone

  11. and prevents you from trying out new things and stops you from taking calculated risks,

  12. for the fear of failure or getting hurt emotionally

  13. -in the process. You can have limiting beliefs about almost anything ranging from money, relationships, success, and the list is endless. It is important to identify your limiting beliefs, conquer them, and replace them with positive beliefs that enable you to achieve your dreams in life.

  14. Share Yourself. Become a teacher and share your time, feedback, opinions knowledge, and skills. The transfer of knowledge and skills not only benefits the other, person but the process itself reinforces the neural pathways of what you know taking you closer to achieving your goals-

  15. Increase Your willpower. Harnessing your free-will is very strong will power enhances your finances, your health, your relationships, your professional success, and all other areas of your life. no matter the goals that you have set for yourself, you need the free will to power through and achieve them.

  16. Become More mindful. Strive to become more mindful. It helps you to acknowledge what you have your ability health family friends know how all that you do have happiness joy longsuffering peace the abundance and the benefits that are already a huge part of your life, instead of spending time thinking about the past which no longer serves your interest, or worrying about what could have been all of which you have no control over...

  17. the future which you have no idea of how it is going to be, you must learn to live in the present and enjoy the moments.YES this you can do-

  18. Make Better decisions.

  19. How to Develop better decision habits, for a better life. The choices and the decisions that we make determine the life that we lead. Your decisions shape your life, so it is most important, that better decisions you make, the better your life is likely to be.

  20. Work on your growth mindset. Your attitude defines who you are as a person and it IS the identification point of the state of your mind.

  21. You must constantly work on your attitude and strive to make it conducive for growth.

The above mentioned Personal Development

goals have been listed...


A positive mental attitude can help you to achieve what you want from life.

A positive mental attitude can move mountains

it’s never too late to start!

Personal Development Goals -

setting achievable personal goals that make you a better- you

so that you are able to live the life of your dreams

Has Technology Killed Face-To-Face Communication?

eight reasons to have a face-to-face (F2F) communication with someone when you have the opportunity:

  1. F2F communication establishes more trust than other modes of communication. There's greater transparency for all participants.

  2. F2F communication is more likely to be perceived as credible.

  3. F2F communication is more productive than other modes of communication.

  4. F2F communication is more efficient than other modes, there is less likelihood for misunderstanding or misinterpreting.

  5. F2F communication allows for better rapport and trust-building than audio or written communications which can make the difference in reaching agreement, ensuring each party understands the other, and closing a sale.

  6. 89% of American workers say email, text, and voicemail get in the way of their workplace relationships.

  7. 87% of American workers say email is not an effective way to resolve workplace confrontations.

  8. 67% of senior executives say their organization would be more productive with F2F communication.

8 Benefits of Communications Face-To-Face

The Power of Stories People remember what you share in stories

- Forbes › carolkinseygoman › 2018/11/14 › h...

face-to-face communication

focus more on face-to-face communication

can affect a child’s development years later.

From tablets to phone to TVs. Young children today are very familiar with screens. But a new study shows high levels of screen time may lead to developmental delays. Scientists looked at 2,441 moms and their children. They found more screen use like tablets, television and computers at two years of age predicted poorer development at three years old. Also, more screen use at age three predicted poorer development at five years of age. Across the board, these kids missed developmental milestones, with delays seen in motor skills, communication, problem-solving, and personal social skills. Scientists say parents should be mindful about screen time use.

Interestingly, the researchers did not find a converse relationship between screen time and developmental delays, meaning earlier developmental delays did not predict later screen time use.

-- In 2014, children under age two spent more than three hours a day in front of screens, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for this age group other than video chatting. Now a new study shows screen time early in life --

Face-to-face interaction (less often, face-to-face communication or face-to-face discourse) is a concept in sociology, linguistics, media, and communication studies describing social interaction carried out without any mediating technology. Face-to-face interaction is defined as the mutual influence of individuals’ direct physical presence with his/her body language. Face-to-face interaction is one of the basic elements of the social system, forming a significant part of individual socialization and experience gaining throughout one's lifetime. Similarly,it is also central to the development of various groups and organizations composed of those individuals.

Study of face-to-face interaction is defined as the process of recording and analyzing the reactive pattern of individuals when they are involved in a face-to-face interaction. It is concerned with issues such as its organization, rules, and strategy. The concept of face-to-face interaction has been of interest to scholars since at least the early 20th century. One of the earliest social science scholars to analyze this type of interaction was sociologist Georg Simmel, who in his 1908 book observed that sensory organs play an important role in interaction, discussing examples of human behavior such as eye contact. His insights were soon developed by others, including Charles Cooley and George Herbert Mead. Their theories became known as symbolic interactionism. By the mid-20th century, there was already a sizable scholarly literature on various aspects of face-to-face interaction. Works on this topic have been published by scholars such as Erving Goffman and Eliot Chapple.

Has Technology Killed Face-To-Face Communication?

Face Communication?

Most of us use our cell phones and computers to inform, make requests of, and collaborate with co-workers, clients and customers. The digital age has connected people across the world, making e-commerce and global networking a reality. But does this reliance on technology, also mean we are losing the ability to effectively communicate with each other in person?

Ulrich Kellerer thinks so. He is a leadership expert, international speaker, and author. According to Kellerer, “When it comes to effective business communication, over reliance on technology at work can be a hindrance, especially when it ends up replacing face-to-face, human interaction.”

the world. Communication is mobilized and instantaneous, and it is easier than ever to access and share information on a global scale.

Today In: Leadership Strategy

However, I’ve also seen the negative impact of digital communication on business both internally and externally. While digital methods themselves are not detrimental – in fact many devices help us boost productivity, increase and inspire creativity -- it is our intensifying relationship with the digital environment that leads to unhealthy habits that not only distract us from the “present,” but also negatively impact communication effectiveness.

Goman: In the midst of a digital age, I believe that face-to-face is still the most productive and powerful communication medium. An in-person meeting offers the best opportunity to engage others with empathy and impact. It builds and supports positive professional connections that we can’t replicate in a virtual environment. Would you agree?

Kellerer: Connection is critical to building business relationships. Anyone working in sales knows that personal interactions yield better results. According to Harvard research, face-to-face requests were 34 times more likely to garner positive responses than emails. Communication in sales is complicated. It requires courtesies and listening skills that are simply not possible on digital platforms.

Interpersonal communication is also vital for a business to function internally. While sending emails is efficient and fast, face-to-face communication drives productivity. In a recent survey, 67% of senior executives and managers said their organization’s productivity would increase if superiors communicated face-to-face more often.

Goman: In my research on the impact of body language on leadership effectiveness I’ve seen the same dynamic. In face-to-face meetings our brains process the continual cascade of nonverbal cues that we use as the basis for building trust and professional intimacy. As a communication medium, face-to-face interaction is information-rich. People are interpreting the meaning of what you say only partially from the words you use. They get most of your message (and all of the emotional nuance behind the words) from vocal tone, pacing, facial expressions and body language. And, consciously or unconsciously, you are processing the instantaneous nonverbal responses of others to help gauge how well your ideas are being accepted.

Kellerer: While digital communication is often the most convenient method, face-to-face interaction is still by far the most powerful way to achieve business goals. Having a personal connection builds trust and minimizes misinterpretation and misunderstanding. With no physical cues, facial expressions/gestures, or the ability to retract immediately, the risk of disconnection, miscommunication, and conflict is heightened.

Goman: Human beings are born with the innate capability to send and interpret nonverbal signals. In fact, our brains need and expect these more primitive and significant channels of information. When we are denied these interpersonal cues, the brain struggles and communication suffers. In addition, people remember much more of what they see than what they hear -- which is one reason why you tend to be more persuasive when you are both seen and heard.

In addition to eye contact, gestures, facial expressions and body postures, another powerful nonverbal component (and one that comes solely in face-to-face encounters) is touch. We are programmed to feel closer to someone who’s touched us. For example, a study on handshakes by the Income Center for Trade Shows showed that people are twice as likely to remember you if you shake hands with them.

Kellerer: Business leaders must create environments in which digital communication is used strategically and personal communication is practiced and prioritized. Technology is a necessary part of business today but incorporating the human touch is what will give businesses the competitive edge in the digital marketplace.

Carol Kinsey Goman: You were the founder and CEO of Faro Fashion in Munich, Germany. What did you discover about business communication in this role?

Ulrich Kellerer: The digital age has fundamentally changed the nature and function of business communication. It has blurred international boundaries allowing people to connect with each other across

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Goman: Agreed!

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I am an international keynote speaker at conferences and business meetings, helping leaders increase their leadership presence and body language skills. My latest book is… Read More


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